Альянс за прозрачный бюджет – официальный сайт




Non-governmental organizations working in Kyrgyzstan have begun the process of mobilizing citizens, which will allow the citizens themselves to influence the budget process. A number of civil society organizations decided to create the Organization of Legal Entities, the Alliance for a Transparent Budget Association (hereinafter referred to as the Alliance). The overall goal of this civil society initiative is to help citizens get involved in the budget process and make the state budget more transparent and efficient. The initiative was launched to support the opportunities provided by the Government to influence the decision-making process. Through the Alliance, citizens will be able to influence budgetary policy in the country.

The NGO Network was created to help build the capacity of organizations. Alliance members were trained in the basics of state and local budgets, the process of organizing and conducting budget hearings, the basics of facilitation, the creation and development of networks of NGOs and coalitions, as well as the basics of organizing and conducting advocacy and information campaigns.


From the 3rd to the 7th of April 2007, representatives of 16 national NGOs gathered at the Royal Beach boarding house in Issyk-Kul to discuss the problems with budget transparency in Kyrgyzstan. NGO delegates discussed problems in different spheres of life from the perspective of budget transparency. The initiative came from the UK Department for International Development (DFID). Representatives of Kyrgyz NGOs underwent a number of trainings organized by DFID, namely:

  1. The art of facilitation.
  2. Public hearings on the budget and their role in the budget process.
  3. Development of networking.
  4. Strategic planning of the Organization.
  5. Organizational development.
  6. Social partnership.
  7. Fundamentals of management in NGOs.
  8. Working with Mass Media.

This resulted in the decision of 16 NGOs to form the Alliance “For a Transparent Budget”.

From June 14 to 15, representatives of these 16 NGOs, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Labor and Social Development, and deputies of the Jogorku Kenesh gathered at the Raduga boarding house in Issyk-Kul for a detailed discussion of the organization of the Alliance.

It was then that Svetlana Kalievna Mamutova (President of the Kyrgyzstan Diabetes Association, which was also a member of the Alliance) was elected as the Chairman of the Alliance.

On October 19, 2007, the Alliance “For a Transparent Budget” was registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Kyrgyz Republic.


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